
Mam tor geology
Mam tor geology

The road was built at the beginning of the 1800s and was subsequently relaid until local authorities closed it in 1979.

mam tor geology mam tor geology

Įvidence for the continued movement of the slide mass is demonstrated graphically by the severe damage to the old Mam Tor road that traversed this flow. Indeed, three larger landslips occur on the north side of Mam Tor, one of them cutting the main ridge at Mam Nick which allows a minor road over into Edale another creates the striking crag of Back Tor well seen from Mam Tor. The landslide is due to weak shales underlying sandstones, a common phenomenon all around the Dark Peak, notably at Alport Castles, Longdendale, Glossop, and Canyards Hills, Sheffield. This rotational landslide began roughly 4,000 years ago.

mam tor geology

The most notable feature of Mam Tor is the active landslip which invades its southeast side almost to the summit, and interrupts the ramparts of the hillfort, unless its builders used it as part of the defences.

Mam tor geology